Is College Worth It? I will give you what information you need to make a decision. Then you decide if College is worth the cost as it continues to rise and only one in ten gets a good job. Colleges have displayed that it is a complete waste of Money, Time, and Energy. Putting people in debt Most can’t pay off in their lifetime.
Now, as College Tuition keeps going up, as with the Grades, the Success Rates in today’s world Keep Declining, as more and more College grads can’t find a good-paying job. That they end up taking a job flipping burgers till they find something better.
Now, as the schools just push students thru. Grades that used F grades are now getting F are now a B. No one failed in school today. But every year, the cost of going to schools raises; if you conducted yourself like this in private business, you would more than likely be arrested for fraud. But as an American university, they are rewarded with billions in subsidies from us, the Taxpayers.
Take a look at this short Video.
Tucker Carlson: Is College Worth it?
Is College Worth It?
Now let’s go over some statistics.
In most Colleges today, over 45% of their Students can not demonstrate any learning improvement in two years, and 40% over four years.
College is not making People Smarter.
Today most Students don’t even study, with only 35% stating they study less than five hours a week, but they are still being pushed thru with good grades.
As taxpayers saying these infatuations Billions in subsidies, we can’t do anything about how they work. I said it would be under investigation for Fraud if it were a private business.
Now Billions in Tax Payer dollars are sent to these Institutions.
So it is your choice. You can pay Thousands of dollars toward tuition, but that won’t guarantee you will get a good-paying job, especially if you have access to the fastest-growing businesses today. A proven track record has earned its students incomes of hundreds to thousands a week.
And here, it’s not a 2, 4, or 8-year course. You can learn to earn from one month to six months in a system that has been proven to work.
Costs? Well, now you can start with as little as $97.
What do you say about Too good to be true? That is what I thought. But now I see it works. I am one of the many that are now making Thousands a week.
READY? Go here for just a GLIMPSE.. and if I was you… I’d just get it, get going and see what you are about to learn. And when you put in the effort… you will gain potential income along with time freedom. Funny… they do not teach this in School. Is college worth it? We think you’ll find some incredible options once you connect with us.